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Sports, Society and Pandemics: Perspective of a Leader - English
Sports, Society and Pandemics: Perspective of a Leader - Arabic
English lower league clubs struggle with financial consequence of pandemic
How P&I Clubs are handling the pandemic
What COVID-19 pandemic revealed about the role of sport in our lives? – Dr Mark Nesti (Pt1)
Learning and Emerging from the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Sport | The IGF Conversation (2021)
Young Leaders Discuss How To Enact Positive Change In A Pandemic
Sam Stapleton - MD Rocnation, on the effects of the pandemic on global sports
English Listening Practice 🔴 Live 🔴
’Keep your voice down’: Trump berates female reporter when questioned over Covid-19 response
Coronavirus pandemic: Vaccine woes front and center at EU video summit
'Ask China': Trump abruptly ends briefing after heated exchange with CBS reporter | Covid-19